Monday, April 6, 2009

Joined a CSA

Today I joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) delivery service and will receive organic produce every other week. I'm really excited for this. I've wanted to do this for awhile but never took the time to really look into a service but when a friend told me about the one she uses and sent me the link I read their info and signed up! Farm Fresh To You may be familiar to you if you have visited the San Francisco Ferry Buiding in recent years as they operate a fresh produce store there. I like that you can customize your order by creating a list of items to exclude. This way anytime any of your exclued items happen to be on the menu for the coming week, they will just substitute that with more of something else. My fear with a CSA had been that we would be wasting money receiving fruits or vegetables that we would not care to eat. I also started our service with just recieving an order every other week, this way I can get an idea of how much it will be (although their website gives you the count or weight for each item for the upcoming week) and determine if we can consume it all in enough time or if it's actually not enough for us. I chose the regular mixed (meaning fruits and vegetables) shipment. For $31.50 two times a month I find that to be pretty resonable for organic produce.

Tomorrow I will have my first conversation with the company I am working with to create the website. I've got a basic idea for the layout I want and the needs I have for the site, so this will be just an initial conversation to give them the overview of what I want.
I have been writing a marketing survey and I need to get that finished. I would like send that out soon so I can obtain feedback on my service options and pricing.

I have also been scouring my cookbooks, magazines and the web to create my arsenal of recipes for the menus. What I plan to do is try them out and also enlist some friends to try and rate recipes for me. I try to do all this in between trying to run the household, parent a VERY precocious 3 year old and keep up with a busy 10 year old who plays every sport there is.

I am equal parts excited and terrified to be starting a business. Excited because after a year of floundering about what to do with my life, I finally have a plan and it feels like a good one. Plus every person I talk with has positive feedback and great suggestions. But terrified because what if everyone else outside of my inner circle doesn't like the idea and no one buys my service? It's definitely a leap of faith.
Here's to cliff diving!

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