Thursday, August 25, 2011

What I Did This Summer

I had all the intentions of keeping up with the blog all summer.  I posted before the July 4th holiday and after that our summer just flew by and I hardly had the chance to sit and write.  I thought I would share some photos of things I made this summer and a few links and with kids back at school I'm slowly getting back to it.

Fried Chicken and Waffles

Strawberries! (Which I made into jam)

Filipino Buko (coconut) pie

Made Filipino egg rolls (lumpia) with my oldest

Fabulous Strawberry Pie!

And a sparkling chocolate cake for my birthday girl!

Here's a couple links I've come across and wanted to pass along-

A few iPhone apps that are useful for being organized for back to school. 

A muffin recipe and back to school lunch and snack ideas from The Meal Makeover Moms
Because my life has become increasingly busy managing 2 kids in school and a new baby, I'm working on some ideas for changing how I cook and manage my kitchen and trying new recipes.  I will try to get back to my weekly posts soon.  I swear.  :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone